Lions Relieving Hunger Project with the students at Pulakode School

Photo of Lions Relieving Hunger Project with the students at Pulakode School by Lions Club of Wadakkanchery Cochin.Lion Club Kerala.Featured by and authored by Lion James Valappila PMJF.Lions Hunger Project Relieving Hunger Project Lions Hunger Project Lions Lions Hunger Project District 318D Hunger Project Kerala Hunger Projects Lions Relieving Hunger Project Kerala Lions Hunger Projects Hunger Project Kerala Lions Club Hunger Project Hunger Project Lions Club Lions Club Hunger District 318d Hunger

The Lions Club of Wadakkanchery Cochin, under the visionary leadership of Lion James Valappila PMJF, embarked on a noble endeavor known as the Lions Relieving Hunger Project . This initiative aimed to address the pressing issue of hunger prevalent in various communities, particularly among school children. With a deep-rooted commitment to community service, the Lions […]

1400th Lions Relieving Hunger Project by Lions Club of Mannuthy Agri City

Photo of 1400th Lions Relieving Hunger Project by Lions Club of Mannuthy Agri City at Sivashram, West Fort, Thrissur.Lion Club Kerala.Featured by and authored by Lion James Valappila PMJF.Lions Hunger Project Relieving Hunger Project Lions Hunger Project Lions Lions Hunger Project District 318D Hunger Project Kerala Hunger Projects Lions Relieving Hunger Project Kerala Lions Hunger Projects Hunger Project Kerala Lions Club Hunger Project Hunger Project Lions Club Lions Club Hunger District 318d Hunger

The Lions Club projects 318dof Mannuthy Agri City recently commemorated a significant milestone with the 1400thLions Relieving Hunger Project, held at Sivashram, West Fort, Thrissur. Led by Lion James Valappila PMJF and operating under the jurisdiction of Lions District 318D, this project marked a profound commitment to addressing food insecurity and supporting vulnerable populations in […]

1201st Lions Relieving Hunger Project by Lions Club of Vatanapally

Photo of 1201st Lions Relieving Hunger Project by Lions Club of Vatanapally,Lion Club Kerala.Featured by and authored by Lion James Valappila PMJF.Lions Hunger Project Relieving Hunger Project Lions Hunger Project Lions Lions Hunger Project District 318D Hunger Project Kerala Hunger Projects Lions Relieving Hunger Project Kerala Lions Hunger Projects Hunger Project Kerala Lions Club Hunger Project 318D Hunger Project Lions Club Lions Club Hunger 318D District 318d Hunger

The Lions Club of Vatanapally recently conducted the 1201st Lions Relieving Hunger Project, demonstrating its unwavering commitment to addressing food insecurity within the community. Led by Lion James Valappila PMJF, this project exemplifies the Lions Club projects 318d ‘s dedication to serving those in need and making a positive impact on society. As part of […]

Lions Club of Vilwadri Pambady celebrated the 1200th Lions Relieving Hunger Project

Photo of Lions Club of Vilwadri Pambady celebrated the 1200th Lions Relieving Hunger Project.Lion Club Kerala.Featured by and authored by Lion James Valappila PMJF.Lions Hunger Project Relieving Hunger Project Lions Hunger Project Lions Lions Hunger Project District 318D Hunger Project Kerala Hunger Projects Lions Relieving Hunger Project Kerala Lions Hunger Projects Hunger Project Kerala Lions Club Hunger Project Hunger Project Lions Club Lions Club Hunger District 318d Hunger

The Lions Club of Vilwadri Pambady recently marked a significant milestone by celebrating the 1200th Lions Relieving Hunger Project Led by Lion James Valappila PMJF, this milestone underscores the Lions Club projects 318d ‘s ongoing commitment to addressing food insecurity and alleviating hunger within the community. As part of Lions District 318D, the Lions Club […]

705th Lions Relieving Hunger Project through Food Distribution by Lions Club of Valappad

Photo of 705th Lions Relieving Hunger Project through Food Distribution by Lions Club of Valappad.Lions Hunger Project District 318D Cancer Project 318d Lions Club Lion Club Kerala.Featured by and authored by Lion James Valappila PMJF .Lions Club Hunger Projects 318D 318D Hunger Project Lions Lions Hunger 318D Projects James Vision Projects 318D Hunger Projects Lions Hunger Project Lions Club 318D James Cancer Projects Lions diabetes 318d James Hunger Projects 318D Lions Club Projects 318d Cancer Lions diabetes Club Project District 318d Lions club diabetes 318d

The Lions Club of Valappad recently marked a significant milestone with the successful execution of the 705th Lions Relieving Hunger Project, a testament to their unwavering commitment to combating food insecurity in the community. Through this initiative, the Lions Club Kerala District 318d aims to alleviate hunger and provide essential sustenance to individuals and families […]

Global Service Projects of Lions Club as a part of the ‘Valsalyam’ project

Photo of Global Service Projects of Lions Club as a part of the 'Valsalyam' project.Lion Club Kerala.Featured by and authored by Lion James Valappila PMJF.Lion Club Kerala.Featured by and authored by Lion James Valappila PMJF.Vision Projects 318d Lions Vision Club Projects James Vision Project of Lions Lion Club Vision Projects Vision Lions Project 318D Lions Club Vision 318D Lions 318d Club India Lions 318d Club International Lions 318d Club Kerala Lion 318d Club Activities Lions 318d Club Projects Lions Club India 318d

The Lions Global Service Projects encompass various initiatives aimed at addressing critical issues affecting communities worldwide. As part of the ‘Valsalyam’ project, Lions Club Kerala District 318d members collaborate on a range of programs to improve the lives of those in need. The Lions Valsalyam Project, spearheaded by Lion James Valappila PMJF, aims to provide […]

894th Lions Relieving Hunger Project by Lions Club of Kallettumkara

Photo of 894th Lions Relieving Hunger Project by Lions Club of Kallettumkara.Lion Club Kerala.Featured by and authored by Lion James Valappila PMJF.Hunger Project Kerala 318D 318D Hunger Projects Lions Relieving Hunger Project Kerala James Lions Hunger Projects Hunger Project Lions Club 318D

The 894thLions Relieving Hunger Project, spearheaded by the Lions Club of Kallettumkara, serves as a beacon of hope for those facing food insecurity in the community. Under the guidance of Lion James Valappila PMJF and within the framework of Lions District 318d , this Lions Relieving Hunger Project reflects the Lions Club’s unwavering commitment to […]

893rd Lions Relieving Hunger Project 318D Lions Club of Kallettumkara

Image of 893rd Lions Relieving Hunger Project 318D Lions Club of Kallettumkara.Lion Club Kerala.Featured by and authored by Lion James Valappila PMJF.Relieving Hunger Projects Lions 318D Hunger Project Lions James Hunger Projects 318D

The 893rd Lions Relieving Hunger Project, led by the Lions Club of Kallettumkara, exemplifies the Lions Club kerala‘s commitment to addressing food insecurity and alleviating hunger in the community. Recognizing the importance of access to nutritious meals for overall well-being, the Lions Club kerala initiated this Hunger Project to provide essential food support to those […]