Image of Lions Diabetes Project Logo-one of Lions Club Projects.Lion Club Kerala.Featured by and authored by Lion James Valappila PMJF. Lions club 318d diabetes project Diabetes projects lions club Lions diabetes 318d Diabetes 318d Project Lions District 318d Diabetes Project Lions club diabetes 318d Lions James diabetes Projects Lions club James diabetes projects Lions diabetes Club Project District 318d 318d Lions Diabetes Project Kerala

Lions Diabetes Project

The Lions Diabetes Project of District 318D stands as a significant initiative undertaken by the Lions Club, with a primary focus on providing support and impactful services to individuals affected by diabetes. This comprehensive project actively engages in raising awareness about diabetes, promoting preventive measures, and extending assistance to enhance the lives of those living with the condition.

Lions Diabetes Project in Kerala

The Lions Diabetes Project, a significant initiative of the Lions Club, focuses on providing support and impactful services to individuals affected by diabetes. It actively raises awareness, promotes prevention, and offers assistance to improve the lives of those living with diabetes.

A PHOTO OF LIONS DIABETES PROJECT.Lion Club Kerala.Featured by and authored by Lion James Valappila PMJF. Lions club 318d diabetes project Diabetes projects lions club Lions diabetes 318d Diabetes 318d Project Lions

Lions Diabetes Project in Kerala

Photo of Lions Diabetes Project District 318D members with governer james valappila.Lion Club Kerala.Featured by and authored by Lion James Valappila PMJF.Lions club 318d diabetes project Diabetes projects lions club Lions diabetes 318d Diabetes 318d Project Lions District 318d Diabetes Project Lions club diabetes 318d
Photo of Lions Diabetes Project District 318D members with governer james valappila.Lion Club Kerala.Featured by and authored by Lion James Valappila PMJF.Lions club diabetes 318d Lions James diabetes Projects Lions club James diabetes projects Lions diabetes Club Project District 318d 318d Lions Diabetes Project Kerala

Lions Diabetes Project in Kerala

Photo of Lions Diabetes Project District 318D members with governer james valappila.Lions club diabetes 318d Lions James diabetes Projects Lions club James diabetes projects Lions diabetes Club Project District 318d 318d Lions Diabetes Project Kerala.Lion Club Kerala.Featured by and authored by Lion James Valappila PMJF

Lion James Valappila PMJF, in collaboration with Diabetes District Coordinator Lion Pradeep Menon, has played a pivotal role in establishing and leading the Lions Diabetes Project in Kerala. This project, a significant endeavor of Lions Club International, aims to provide support and services to individuals affected by diabetes, showcasing Lion James Valappila’s commitment to positively impacting the community.

Lions Diabetes Project

Supporting Lives, Defeating Diabetes

The Lions Diabetes Project of District 318D, a pivotal initiative of the Lions Club, concentrates on offering support and impactful services to individuals affected by diabetes. The Diabetes Project actively raises awareness, advocates for prevention, and extends assistance to enhance the lives of those grappling with diabetes. Additionally, the Lions Diabetes Project provides financial aid and support to individuals in need of diabetes-related medication and supplies. The primary objective of this project is to promote a healthy lifestyle.

What is the objective of the Lions Diabetes Project District 318D?

The Lions Diabetes Project of District 318D is dedicated to delivering support and impactful services to individuals affected by diabetes. It proactively raises awareness, advocates for prevention, and provides assistance to improve the lives of those dealing with diabetes.

What initiatives has Lions Diabetes Project District 318D Undertaken as part of the project?

The Lions Diabetes Project of District 318D conducts regular health camps and screenings focused on diabetes, offering complimentary medical check-ups, consultations, and necessary interventions for individuals at risk or already diagnosed with diabetes.

How does the Lions Diabetes Project District 318D raise awareness about their initiative?

For the purpose of raising awareness Lions Club Diabetes Project of District 318D collaborates with healthcare professionals and organizations to conduct diabetes awareness camps, screenings, and educational programs.


The Goal of the project is to improve the well-being and quality of life of individuals affected by diabetes by providing them with essential support, resources, and information.

It offers a range of impactful services, including educational programs, awareness campaigns, health screenings, and community outreach initiatives.

The project organizes various awareness campaigns, seminars, and workshops to educate the public about diabetes. It includes the prevention, early detection, management, and the importance of a healthy lifestyle.

Individuals and communities can get involved in the Lions Diabetes project by joining their local Lions Club, volunteering for diabetes-related activities and events, supporting fundraising initiatives, and spreading awareness within their social circles.

The availability of financial assistance programs may vary depending on the specific Lions Club and its resources. Some Lions Clubs may offer financial support or connect individuals with relevant resources for diabetes management.

They often collaborates with healthcare professionals, clinics, hospitals, and other diabetes-related organizations. It is to provide comprehensive support and ensure access to expert advice and medical services.

The project recognizes the diverse needs of different age groups and tailors its services accordingly, offering specialized programs for children, adults, and seniors living with diabetes.

It exemplifies Lions Club International’s commitment to community service by addressing a prevalent health issue, providing support to those affected by diabetes, and promoting a healthier and more informed society.